Disable Or Move WordPress Admin Bar

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With the release of WordPress 3.1, a feature was added called the Admin Bar that has quick access to common administrative tools including user’s profile, new posts and pages, comments, updates to plug-ins or the WordPress core, and even a search box. When you’re logged into your blog, you’ll see the Admin Bar at the top of every page on the site.

There are two easy ways to disable this feature: by user, or universally

Disable by User

Login to your account and go to your profile to see two check-mark options for the Admin Bar. You can enable it outside the dashboard (throughout your site), inside the dashboard, both, or neither.

Modifying these options are on a by user basis. If you have multiple accounts, you’ll need to modify each of them. This option is good if you have multiple people on your blog because it allows each of them a choice in the matter.

Disable Universally

If you’re the only person on your blog or if no one on your blog likes the Admin Bar, you can disable it universally. Open up your theme’s functions.php and add the following code to the bottom.
add_filter('show_admin_bar', '__return_false');

The options will still appear in your profile, but they won’t have any effect.

Relocate It

If you find it useful but also a bit obtrusive, there are ways to relocate it with the help of some plug-ins:

  • Stick Admin Bar To Bottom – Does just what it’s called; it moves the Admin Bar to the bottom of your screen.
  • Admin Bar Minimiser – You can show/hide the Admin Bar at the click of a button. The settings give the option to maximize by default or not.

Posted in: Web Development

is the site owner of Computer Tech Tips and is passionate about computer technology, particularly Windows-based software, malware removal, and web development. He enjoys helping people troubleshoot computer problems and providing technical support to family, friends, and people around the net. Xps wrote 78 article(s) for Computer Tech Tips.

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